If talking about top university in Indonesia, you will find a number of colleges that are worth considering. Indonesia is a developing country and its education institution is considered quite the best among many other countries.
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Mainly if compared with other South East Asia countries, then Indonesia might have a good enough university to select.
This article will describe the five best universities in the country. It will also inform the way to get accepted into the universities. Therefore, if you search for a nice place to continue college in the country, you can continue reading the following information.
University of Indonesia
The University of Indonesia is the top university in Indonesia that has been established in 1950. This university is located in Depok and is a nonprofit institution managed by the government.
Therefore, to get accepted into this university as a local student, you have to pass a national examination first. With various selections of majors from bachelor’s degrees to doctorate programs, it is a great place to continue study in Indonesia.
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The university is pretty close to Jakarta. Therefore, if you are from abroad, you can reach the college within several hours from Soekarno Hatta International Airport.
Furthermore, there are many interesting facilities around the college such as a library, canteen, sports facilities, and many more. They’re also nice public transportation to reach the area. Not to mention that the college is pretty wide with lecturer’s housing is located inside the campus too.
Gadjah Mada University
Located at Sleman, Jogjakarta, the university is another top university in Indonesia that is worth selecting. It has many majors to select from and provides several interesting facilities for the student.
The university was founded in 1949 and is located in an exotic area in Java, Indonesia. Therefore, not only experience a nice moment to study, but you can also be seeing the beautiful Javanese culture in this place.
The university is also managed by the Indonesian government and categorize as a nonprofit institution. Therefore, you have to pass the national examination if you are keen to study here. Once accepted, you can select various available majors in the college. Whether for a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree or doctorate, the university has those complete selections.
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Bandung Institute of Technology
The next top university in Indonesia is the Bandung Institute of Technology. This is a favorite and famous institute in Indonesia. Therefore, every year the institute accepts many best students from across the country through national examinations.
The institute is not only famous in the country but it is also considered some of the best in ASEAN. It is also included as one of the top 100 in Asia and quite famous in other countries too.
The institute focuses on engineering with several faculties and many majors to select. Bandung Institute of Technology or also abbreviated as ITB is a good institute that has been recognized in the engineering world.
Therefore, it is a worthy selection for those who want to continue their degree in engineering majors such as mechanical engineering or civil engineering. Currently, the institute also provides a program for double degrees with other abroad universities.
Airlangga University
Airlangga University is also a top university in Indonesia with many majors to select from. This is also managed by the government and required a national examination to get accepted here.
The location is in the heart of Surabaya, East Java. Therefore, you can reach the university once you arrived at Juanda International Airport.
Airlangga University is a top campus and is famous for its medical majors, such as a medical doctor, veterinary medicine, pediatrician major, and such on. It was founded in 1954 and provides various facilities for the student.
Starting from a nice library, good transportation around the college, and various sports facilities. It is also located in the second biggest city in Indonesia. It means that anyone who decides to study here will not experience problems with any supporting systems.
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Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
The next top university in Indonesia is Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology. This is the second preferred institute in Indonesia after the Bandung Institute of Technology. This institute which is also famous with ITS is founded in 1960 and is located in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia.
It is located next to Airlangga University also one of the famous colleges in the country. Therefore, it is a strategic place to reach whenever you reach Juanda International Airport.
ITS provides several engineering majors to select. One of the strength majors in the college is Marine and Naval engineering.
Therefore, it is considered the best institute that provides those types of majors in Indonesia. Furthermore, the institute also provides many supporting facilities for the student. Not to mention that the college is very wide with a lecturer’s housing complex located inside the campus too.
Through the article above about the top university in Indonesia, at least you can get a nice overview of the lists of the universities.
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Furthermore, you can estimate and compare which university is suited for your desired major. You can also get preliminary information related to the admission process in those universities. So that you can prepare accordingly and get accepted into one of the top universities above.