How to Open a Bank Account in United States of America. Living in the United States is a dream for many foreigners. As one of the wealthy countries, the United States offers many jobs and business opportunities. Therefore, every year a lot of foreigners come to the country and decide to stay there.
Open A Bank Account In United States
This lead to the need for information about how to open a bank account in the United States. Unfortunately, some foreigners have no overview of this thing. To help many expatriates in the United States deal with this issue, the following are some important information related with open a bank account in the country.
Various Bank in the United States
The United States has many trusted and verified banks in the country. Some of the banks have many branches outside the country. Therefore, it should be easy to find a suitable American bank to select. Some of them include Bank of America, Citibank, HSBC, and Wells Fargo. Before selecting the most suitable bank, you might need to ask about their entire services.
Most of the banks will offer you a book bank and ATM card. Those banks have many teller machines across the country. Therefore, you wouldn’t find any problems withdrawing money from your bank account If you open a bank account in the United States. Furthermore, most of them also offer internet banking and mobile banking to ease financial transactions. So that you can perform money transfers or make payments anywhere and anytime in 24 hours.
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Additionally, the bank has several other services such as credit cards, payroll payments, business loans, investments, and many more. Therefore, if you need additional services, you can easily choose the most suitable services you needed. Such as credit cards where most foreigners will need it to perform many payments or flight booking. A business loan will also benefit those who run a business in the country and plan to expand the business in the United States.
Types of Account for Foreigners in the United States
Most bank in the United States offers typical types of bank account. The most common and selected account is a savings account. You can choose to have a savings account in USD or other currency such as Euro or others. The difference will be in the charges fee of the account and the terms of the currency rate. The most easier way is to select a USD account so that you wouldn’t have any problems with your daily financial transaction.
Another account is an investment account that can use to perform payment for various investments or receive investment results. Therefore, this account will be suitable for those who invest in America or perform some business. With this account, you can also get a paycheck for any needs of financial transactions for your business.
Additionally, there is also a deposit account that can use to deposit some amount of money. This account is similar to a savings account. The difference is that the interest rate usually higher than a savings account. Furthermore, this deposit account shall be kept for at least one month before withdrawing. Therefore, this account is more to save money and not to support your daily transaction.
Steps to Open a Bank Account in the United States
After finishing reading the above information about the types of banks and its account, the next necessary thing is to understand the steps to open a bank account in the United States. It is not a difficult thing as long as you prepare all the needed documentation.
Usually, whenever foreigners need to open a bank account in an American bank, they will need to provide some documents such as Individual Tax Identification Number or ITIN, passport or typical ID card, Employer Identification Number or EIN, and Company Registration Paper. Otherwise, if you stay in the United States for business or investment, then you can also give your VISA for proof.
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Typically, there are four options to open a bank account in the United States. First, you can open a bank account remotely, or second, you can visit the local branch and do the activity offline. You can also choose to open a transfer-wise bank account. Those all will require similar registration steps.
The first steps are to fill in the required form with your valid personal data. Make sure to fill according to your supporting documents so that they can be easy to verify. After that, you will need to pass a copy of the required documentation for evidence. Then, it will take some time for validation.
Once your data is validated, you will ask to put some deposit amount according to the bank regulation. After that, your account will be activated and then you will receive a bank book with an ATM card.
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Those are all the related information on how to open a bank account in the United States. The information above, can help any foreigners in the country to easily prepare all needed documentation and open a new bank account in a local bank. So that all transactions related to their finance can perform easier and more secure. Starting from withdrawing the money, up to making payment or getting paid, it can perform easier with no barrier.